An Overview of Britain's 1p Stamps
via ZOOM by Paul Sarjeant

7:00pm Thursday Nov 16, 2023

ZOOM with the NTSC

Our special guest for this evening was Paul Sarjeant.  

The early 1d stamps of Great Britain are arguably the most significant issue of postage stamps in history.  

They are also one of the longest lived, with over 20 billion stamps issued over the 4 decade period of their use.  

While relatively minor changes were made over this period, there is considerable complexity and collecting richness to be found in these stamps.  They include the first postage stamps, the first perforated stamps, and among the earliest uses of locational cancellations.

Paul's presentation provided an overview of this 40-year history, touched on some of the many ways in which they can be collected, and explained some of the resources available to learn more about these important stamps.

Catch the replay here.

In our constitution, the Proposed Slate of Officers is presented and calls for new officers will end during the first meeting in November.

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