Via Zoom: Double Bill - Jasmine Smith and Bill Schultz

7:00pm Thursday May 19, 2022 (Via Zoom)

If you grabbed a Zoom invite from Klaus and joined us May 19th, you surely would've enjoyed our two special guests Jasmine Smith and Bill Schultz, as they presented two very relevant and interesting philatelic topics:


Repair and Improvement of Postal Covers

by Jasmine Smith

Jasmine Smith, philatelic restorer, provided an in-depth discussion with examples on how to repair and improve postal covers, plus a Q&A on this fascinating process. Jasmine also touched on best practices for caring for your collection at home.


Scarce USA 6¼¢ Postage Rate Census

by Bill Schultz

Bill Schultz, a philatelic exhibit advisor and retired accredited APS Chief Judge, discusses the Scarce US 6 ¼ Cents Postage Rate Census (2020 & ongoing). The presentation included images of covers and the related obsolete banknotes (currency) pertinent to the 1821-1845 era. The rate is disproportionately found in the northern states, like Ohio, a trend likely tied to the use of British currency by their Canadian neighbors.

Catch the replay here!

May 26 What I Collect: 2 Members