Exhibiting in 2024
NTSC's 5th Annual Virtual Exhibition
running from December 13, 2024 until January 6, 2025
Our Annual Virtual Exhibition gives the members of the North Toronto Stamp Club a great opportunity to show their research and philatelic treasures to a large audience and promote our hobby to collectors and non-collectors around the world.
Exhibiting is a great opportunity to show off the talents and skills of our Club's members - and to promote our hobby to the public.
Collectors are invited to submit:
• One-page exhibit
• ½-frame (eight – 8½ x 11” pages) study
• One-frame (sixteen - 8½ x 11” pages) exhibit or
• multi-frame (multiples of 16 pages) exhibit.
The Exhibition Committee encourages members to consider entering more than one exhibit. To allow the viewers to appreciate the exhibition, all exhibits must be submitted by email at a minimum of 300 dpi in .JPEG format. The exhibition will be judged by accredited philatelic judges and all exhibitors will receive feedback as well as ribbons and medals.
For single-frame and multi-frame exhibits, members are asked to please include a 1 or 2 page synopsis. The title of the exhibit should appear on the synopsis as it will be posted on-line with the display. Member’s names should not appear on the exhibit, the synopsis or page scans.
All interested exhibitors are invited to submit a new exhibit for this year's Virtual Exhibition. Members are encouraged to submit more than one exhibit.
All exhibits are viewed and judged by accredited individuals with vast experience in general and specialized fields of collecting. Ribbons and/or medals will be awarded at the end of the Exhibition.
Enter your Exhibit Using
Download and Print form or
the Online form below:
Here are our club's exhibiting rules:
The APS Judge's Manual is a valuable resource:
Need Help with Synopsis Page writing? Try this:
Learn to create your own 1-Page Exhibit with:
Peter Butler's guide and examples.
The Harold Gosney / People's Choice Award is awarded by popular vote by ballot to the most favorite display.
Got a 1-pager or a 16-pager in mind?
Contact our Exhibit Committee to get details on:
how to create a display
how to enter your display for either non-competition or
competition or into the Court of Honour.
Download Exhibitor's Application Form here or Fill in an online form here